Bob Lubell : I agree, we need to get along! We've been in business since 1971, that's 47 years. Photographers met and shared in the early days. I had many mentors. They lent equipment, shared knowledge and came to my shoots to help me get it right. Commercial photographers would visit each others studios. They would help build sets, adjust lights and fill in on busy darkroom days. If someone was ill on a wedding day, we covered for each other and would take no money. We met at the PPA meeting, The Toledo Friends of Photography, the Topics Camera Club and the Photo Arts Club each month. Two years ago my wife became I'll, I begged shooters to help us fill dates. Professional photographers without assignments on those dates refused, at any price. They didn't like our style, they didn't want to be associated with our brand, they didn't care. I've shot video at weddings when photographer got upset that I could learn their 'secret sauce'. What? Their f/stops? The selfish, childish, unacceptable behavior I've seen by people who call themselves professional photographers is an embarrassment. My beloved career is no longer a sisterhood/brotherhood, but a kindergarten class! As for statistics, there were 2.4 million weddings in 1990, 28 years ago. There was no digital photography, no Photoshop and mostly only full time professional photographers. This was a hard to learn craft with darkrooms, low ISO film and no 'natural light' options. There were far, far fewer people shooting weddings and slightly more weddings. We were magicians shooting only 200 photos at a wedding, a frame at a time. Here is your answer about why there is so little cooperation in 2018, there are too many photographers to sustain a big enough piece of the pie. (yeah, pie) It's OK that there are so many great new photographers. They should all follow their dreams. But it not the same. And with so many chasing the same clients there will be protective behavior, childlike attitudes and anger among these shooters. Where I'm located, the seasoned pros are hanging up their camera straps. They are done with the chase. They can't watch the race to the bottom. And the old pros want to network and mentor. We are push aside as 'out of style. This is the real picture in 2018. I wish I brought happier news. Oct 12, 2018 at 12:20PM
Steve : I have read so many blogs about photography. This one you wrote about "sharing" is FANTASTIC!!!! I am quickly becoming a huge fan of yours! Thank you to Zach and Jodi for turning me on to you two! Oct 20, 2015 at 8:14PM
Danielle : THANK YOU for this! I couldn't agree more! Love you guys! PS - my favorite line was "we'd just brought a butter knife to a gun fight" TOO FUNNY! (And very true...forget Top Chef; those church ladies know their stuff!) May 1, 2015 at 5:45PM
Amanda Holloman : Well said friends. There is so much to learn, experience and gain from others. Being open and honest with people who share the same talents and passions can only create growth for all. May 1, 2015 at 12:56PM
Katelyn Todd : Luke and Cat, I enjoyed reading this story! Y'all inspire me so much. This is beautiful advice. May 1, 2015 at 12:00PM
Eric Ferguson : Great blog post! And so true! I love the analogy of the pie baking that you used. That really puts it in perspective. Thanks for sharing. Gig 'em! May 1, 2015 at 10:54AM
Eric Gay : This is great. I love sharing with and learning from other photographers. You really hit the nail on the head with your last bullet point. We are our special ingredient. All of us. I can't wait to start sharing our own tips and photog advice on our blog soon. Thanks for all you guys do! May 1, 2015 at 10:32AM
Jackie Phillips : Well said! It's so true! Now I'm hungry for chocolate pie! May 1, 2015 at 10:17AM
Judy Peter : Lovely story and my thoughts exactly! I'm all about sharing and blessing others, which y'all are experts at doing.....we are blessed to have you both in our world! As far as sharing info.... I will offer to share all my years of wisdom....won't take but a couple of minutes! May 1, 2015 at 10:02AM
Tracy Morgan : I am a firm believer in, "When I help you get what you want, I'll get what I want. " Thanks for the reminder. May 1, 2015 at 9:45AM