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Makeup Mondays #10 :: Taking It All Off, Part II

Mar 25, 2013 / Makeup Mondays
A few weeks ago I shared the first step in my makeup removal process, Albolene. As I mentioned, I can't sleep in my makeup anymore. I used to sleep in my makeup with no problems, but once I started taking it off at night, I sleep so much better. I hated the feeling of waking up with yesterday's makeup on.

So, a quick recap. Albolene goes on my eyes, is tissued off.

At this point, I get all Noxzema commercial and lean over the sink and splash water on my face. Then I take 4-5 pumps of my facial cleanser into my hands and rub it into a lather.

Here is my cleanser of choice: CeraVe Foaming Facial Cleanser. Again, this was recommended to me by my dermatologist, and you can buy it over the counter at Walgreens. You can also order it online.

I can't speak to the eye-makeup removal power of this cleanser, because I use Albolene before to remove my eye makeup. It is a very gentle cleanser, and it doesn't burn if it gets into my eyes. Contrary to what the name says, it doesn't actually foam or lather up very well. I think it is because it isn't a soap based cleanser. It also doesn't have a soapy smell to it, which is new to me. My previous cleanser I used (Neutrogena Fresh Foaming Cleanser) had a wonderful soapy clean smell.

But it leaves my skin feeling better than the Neutrogena did. My skin feels clean, but never tight or dry. I feel like this cleanser is GOOD for my skin. I always pat my face dry and follow up with a good moisturizer. I'll share my moisturizer in an upcoming post!
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