Hi there! We're Luke and Cat, and we're so happy you're here. We hope you'll stay a while! We’re a husband and wife wedding photographer team based in Houston, Texas. Ranchers-turned-photographers, our world looks like this: a Craftsman-style farmhouse; our newborn, Knox, in our arms; coffee in the kitchen; Edison lights on the back porch; and a pair of English bulldogs at the foot of our bed. Read more...

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Knox is Three Months Old!

Sep 22, 2017 / Our Life

I heard somewhere that when it comes to raising children, "The days are long, but the years are short." Boy, that rings true as I look at our 3 month old little boy!

Here’s an update on Knox Harrison Neumayr and some of the highlights of his first 3 months!

Took his first overnight trip and stayed in a hotel on the Williams family vacation to Schlitterbahn Corpus Christi.

Rode out Hurricane Harvey and fell in love with watching weather radar on the television.

Found his smile at about 7 weeks and has been smiling ever since.

Got to meet Pa when he and Mimi came from Indiana for his baby blessing at church.

Likes to go hang out at Nannie and Papa’s house and see his Uncle Dude, Aunt Gaggle, and cousins Mollie and Ann Catherine.

Rides on the mule in the evenings but can’t stay awake even if he wants to.

Favorite book is Go Dog Go. “Do you like my hat?”

Sleeps 11.5 hours through the night since 10 weeks old.

Doesn’t like to nap during the day, have a wet diaper, or be naked.

Wakes up smiling and laughing in his crib.

Is working very hard on holding his head up.

Takes a bath every night because it is his favorite time of day.

Is ticklish on his right cheek.

Gets passed around at church and held by lots of sweet friends!

Goes through around 15 burp rags and at least 3 outfits per day.

Stares at Dad anytime we go out to eat and just waits for him to make eye contact.

Ends up wearing his moose outfit or green panda outfit anytime Mom dresses him because those are her favorites.

Has watched 3 Texas Aggie football games from Nannie and Papa’s house.

Is in the 75th percentile for height and because of that, wears 6-9 month old clothes.

Loves when Dad holds his fist and pretends to give people ‘knuckle sandwiches.’

Likes to listen to Sam Cooke and dance with Mom in the dining room.

Here’s one very important thing I learned: caring for a newborn is tough! I have so much respect for all of you other parents and of course, my own parents for all they did for me! At least in the Casa de Luke and Cat, we’re running on a specific cocktail of exhaustion and elation, with different balances of the two from day to day. It’s rewarding work, but hard work!

It’s crazy to think that it’s been a quarter of a year with Knox in our lives and in our home. We’ve been slackers on taking regular photos of him, but I know 3 months is a milestone that’s worth documenting!

We’re looking forward to the next months - Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, sitting up, hearing that first audible laugh, and getting to see his Aunt Cassie and Mimi again and meet his cousin Hunter when they comes and helps us put on our workshop in November!


Lots of Smiles & Coos,

Luke & Cat (and Knox, too!)

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