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Subway Surfers

Feb 7, 2013 / Our Life
Two nights ago I was HeyTelling with our 9-year-old niece Hunter Grace. Santa brought her a new iPod Touch for Christmas, and since texting isn't available (OK... confession. Apparently Hunter has figured it out even though none of us grown ups have a clue. I get random texts from some unknown area code that say "Hey Aunt Catherine, It's me Hunter" every once in a while and just shake my head) on that device, HeyTell is perfect.

I play games on my iPhone. I know I shouldn't. I know it's a time waster. Here's an even more embarrassing confession: some of those games aren't free. Yep, even though Luke told me when I got the phone that I shouldn't be wasting our money on iPhone apps and games, I still buy the $1.99 version of Spades instead of the free one. Ads annoy me. Ok... feel free to delete me from your contacts.

So I stumbled upon a really fun and free iPhone game the other day called Subway Surfers. After a few days of playing it I knew that my niece Hunter would like it too. Since it was free (since Hunts doesn't have a credit card yet...), I HeyTelled her and said, "Hey I know a fun and free iPhone game you should download. It's called Subway Surfers."

Instantly I get the notification that says "New HeyTell Message from Hunter."

"Are you talking about the original version or the Subway Surfers Rio?"

Well heck... I don't know. The name of it on my iPhone home screen just says Subway Surf. When I opened it up though, I did have Rio.

Hunter (apparent Subway Surfing Expert) enlightens me and says, "OK. Subway Surfers Rio is just like the original version but it has a Rio-based theme."

Two a-ha moments here. First, I don't know what a Rio-based theme is, but Hunter does.

Next... why am I downloading the same free games that my 9-year-old niece is? A feeling of shame washed over me. I mean, lets be honest. This feeling of shame wasn't anything serious enough to make me quit playing my game.

To tell you the truth, it took every bit of maturity and control I had to not immediately HeyTell back and say, "Ok. So what's YOOOOUUUUR score multiplier!"

But I just let it go. And went back to playing my game. :)
So, if you like to play iPhone games as well... I'd really recommend you try out Subway Surfers Rio. It's just like the original, but with a Rio-based theme. And by the way, at the current moment, my multiplier is 23. Beat that!
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